Holy Cross Sisters’ School
Holy Cross Sisters’ School is a Catholic Christian primary school located in Bellville, Cape Town. This school is a unique family school with a special character. The educators are committed to conducting all teaching with gospel values at the core, including faith, hope and most importantly, love!
This school keep the following quote at the heart of what they do:
“Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous, conceited or proud. Love is gentle and peaceful.”
With this mindset, the school has created an environment that permeates love. It also acts as a second home to anyone who enters! Holy Cross Sisters’ School rejoices in the country’s young democracy. However, they acknowledge the pain that remains and the need for healing. They call for justice, solidarity and affirmation of dignity and respect for all – especially the younger generation. They proclaim Jesus’ way of love, forgiveness, and compassion to achieve this. With boldness, the leaders of this school strive to maintain a community in which every individual’s worth is nurtured.
More about this school’s establishment
Holy Cross Sisters’ School was founded by a body of courageous, committed and righteous women. These women formed part of the order of the Holy Cross Sisters who sacrificed their lives, and that of their families, for their community. As a result, this school flourishes on a solid foundation built from the interest of the common good rather than in self-interest. The powerful legacy that has been left shines through the school’s deeper values. It motivates their plight to offer excellence in quality education that focuses on the development of young minds.
When students attend this school, they are guaranteed to receive a quality education led by a team of dedicated staff members. This education is based on gospel values that strive to develop each child spiritually, physically and emotionally. The nurturing and caring environment of this school is the perfect home for providing education that is linked to improving the outcomes in the following areas:
- Connectedness in all areas of life
- Intellectual improvement
- Recognition and positive tolerance of differences
- Social and emotional support
The educators at this school believe that teaching is more than just an occupation, but a privilege that calls to serve the younger generation! Children are the most vulnerable minds in our society, and they also show the most room for growth and development. This is why the teachers at Holy Cross Sisters’ School see it as an enormous privilege to teach and believe that they are vessels for something much more significant than themselves. The passion and inspiration that they draw from above are what has led this school’s humbled team of dedicated and professional staff.
To provide students with a well-rounded education that favours academics, sports, and culture, this school strives to help students flourish through a wide range of sports and cultural activities. These activities are considered to be an essential part of the curriculum, and every learner is encouraged to participate in one winter sport, one summer sport and one cultural activity.